Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Idea Of Regulating Air Pollution

Clean Air forms one of the most important necessities for the survival all living things. Both plants and animals utilize air in many ways which are very much diversified depending on several factors. Such factors include environmental factors like temperature humidity and sunlight.In addition, other determining factors on the ability of the living things to utilize air are those which fall under the broad category of chemical compositions and biological factor: There are some optimum quantities which are required by each individual living thing on the earth.These optima are therefore enormously varied because each and every living thing occupies its own niche within diversified environmental, biological and chemical factors.  Many environmentalists have emerged in the past few decades or centuries claiming that there are many substances which are being released to the environment from the various sources.These substances are alleged to have great impact on impairing the health of plants and animals. Due to these detremendous factors of pollutants, numerous bodies have been formed with the idea of regulating air pollution.Air is a composition of gases. The various air components are used differently by plants and animals. Any unpolluted air has definite compositions of these air components.Due to the release of harmful gases and excessive useful gases forming part of the air, the air composition becomes altered and either plants or animals are affected in one way or the other. In order to maintain the optimum air composition, the idea of regulating air pollution is put in place.In the first point of view, the idea of regulating air pollution will in one way be very advantageous to the prosperity of human beings. This is because it endeavors to ensure that life is not affected through chemical substance such as sulfur compounds, which are released by many factories and automobiles to the environment.When such substances are reacted with other useful particular matter in the atmospheres, they form new substance which destroys human properties.For instance, checking of sulfur oxide compounds from the air maintains minimal amounts of this compound, and thus it is impossible to have acidic rains which damages plants and housing roofs through corrosion. Regulating air pollution thus makes countries’ and world wide annual outputs to be increased or maintained at averages.When there are no damages within a country, and there is increase in outputs, this in most cases leads to an increase in trade. Hence, the replication in trades provides opportunities to for job employment to jobless people. Individuals find their living standards be improved through the earnings from the job returns.Moreover, trade and tax are intimately connected thus one cannot live on its own. It can then be seen that regulation of air pollution will indirectly contribute to the generation of revenue for the governments through trade.It not only generates revenues b ut also it saves government revenues through the elimination and abolishment of pollutants which are health hazard in the human body. This is because when citizen are affected by disease, the ruling government spends lots money in the provision medical amenities, medicines and drugs.It should also be noted that the ideas of regulating air pollution not only achieves the limitation of gaseous substances but also limit   the particular materials which might be released from its source and be suspended in the air.The materials coagulate and react with many other chemical substances resulting into fog formation. The resultant fog is viciously dangerous to air transportations.   Thus, the regulations aimed at reducing these materials helps to save life for those air travelers.  On the other hand, the idea of air regulation may be to a certain extent affect the worlds’ economy in the adverse manner. Air pollution does not occur in spontaneous action without the involvement of human activity, which is focused in production for some product.If there is the idea of regulating air pollution, then rules and regulation must be laid down for the producers of these products to follow. In some cases, the producers are compelled to comply with the set rules, but due either financial constrains or inability to make the necessary steps to check their emissions to air, the companies are enforced to close down.This creates a lot of impacts both to the economy of the country and the individual employees’ survival means. For instance, if strictly noise pollutant which forms part of air pollution is to be controlled in most developing and underdeveloped countries, it will very highly affect most of companies.This is because most of them can only afford to purchase second hand factory machine which are so noisy that they cause air pollution. This will also affect most transportation companies which are rampantly filled with unworthy vehicles.Finally, although the idea of regulating air pollution may lead to innovation and invention, it may deter quick progressive growth of the economy and development of a developing country. This idea calls for installation of some expensive gadgets to existing machines or as regulators and analyzers of pollutants.Furthermore, people will be required to invest in new and modern machines which are costly but pollutes environment the least. So, this does not favor most people who are in the developing country. Hence, it can be concluded that the idea of regulating air pollution remain a debatable issues for proper implementation processes. (Judith, 2002)

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