Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Labour Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Labour Economics - Essay Example Aside from biological and cultural factors, industrialization has been pointed as the main cause of inequality which started between the agriculture and the industrial sectors. According to Williamson and Lindert (1980), the movements of the skilled and unskilled pay ratios clearly reflect the unequal distribution of wealth particularly between men and women. (Williamson and Lindert, 1980) Industrialization resulted to a lesser demand for human resources. This causes the increase in competition among the workers. The unequal resources such as the access to education between the rich and the less fortunate people resulted to a wider gap on the distribution of wealth between the two sectors of the society. This paper will discuss in details the effects of the inequality in the distribution of earnings, income, and wealth among men and women as a family in comparison to the case of single mothers as well as other factors such as the economic performance of the country and the UK tax reform. These factors could greatly affect the income-leisure time of women. On the other hand, the use of ‘Income-Leisure Choice Theory model’ could give us a better outlook on how working women or single mothers often end up working for longer hours The constantly changing working environment has resulted in the changes of employment patterns among men and women over the past decades. According to OEDC – Employment Outlook, the number of women participation in the corporate world has constantly increasing; while the men continuously declining. Specifically, the gender wage gaps between men and women in terms of their median earnings are wide. (See Table I – Gender Gap in Median Earnings of Full-time Employees in 2004 below and Graph I – Gender Wage Gaps on page 5) Since the earning gaps between men and women are quite big, women especially those who are single

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