Friday, December 27, 2019

Minimum Wage Should Be Legal - 1307 Words

The concept of minimum wage has been a huge issue among Americans and has really become a large discussion point among a lot of the political debates as well as the Internet recently. According to the United States Department of Labor, â€Å"The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Many states also have minimum wage laws. Some state laws provide greater employee protections; employers must comply with both†. Regardless of the constant debates that occur on whether or not minimum wage should be a livable wage or merely a segway job for teenagers, a majority of these workers are older than 25 years old. As reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2014, of the 77,207, 61,883 of them are 25 years of age are†¦show more content†¦In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into effect the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Among other things it banned child labor, limited the workweek to 44 hours, and set the national minimum wage at 25 cents an hour (United States Department of Labor). This is one of 121 bills put forth by Roosevelt after Congress had adjourned. The purpose of the bill is associated with the Great Depression. For the purpose of assisting the nation back onto its feet after the Great Depression, this solution has succeeded, but unfortunately the issue had evolved and this one act could not sustain the growth of a nation. So technically this is no longer a solution for this very important issue. There has been a somewhat steady increase in wages through adjustments of the act, up to the current solution, but according to the Pew Research Center and the Economist, the set wages are actually less than what they use to be due to inflation: â€Å"Adjusted for inflation, the federal minimum wage peaked in 1968 at $8.54 (in 2014 dollars). Since it was last raised in 2009, to the current $7.25 per hour, the federal minimum has lost about 8.1% of its purchasing power to inflation†. This c lear disconnect proves that the previous solution(s) is no longer working and therefore needs to be adjusted to meet America’s ever growing economy. As previously stated, in 2009 a adjustment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was added. This

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Internship Experience - 1347 Words

Health Care Management Internship Experience Labovitz School of Business and Economics University of Minnesota Duluth Description of the Program The purpose of the internship program is to provide juniors and seniors with an opportunity to enhance and apply what they learn in their academic program while working in a health service organization. Students are pursuing a degree in business administration and are majoring in health care management. Those that enroll in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics (LSBE) Health Care Management Internship Program will need to accumulate a minimum of 200 hours of work experience over the course of an academic semester or during the summer. The intent of the program is to provide relevant†¦show more content†¦The LSBE Internship Office will provide evaluation forms; or you may want to use your organization’s standard appraisal form to assess the intern’s performance and provide feedback. 5. Provide liability coverage for student intern. The University of Minnesota Duluth Worker’s Compensation and Liability coverage does not extend to student interns. E mployers may be concerned about injuries to students on-the-job or problems that could arise due to student inexperience. We recommend that concerns of this nature be addressed to your legal counsel. Your existing worker’s compensation covers paid employees and could possibly be extended to volunteers for a nominal fee if this work arrangement is established. 6. Abide by the University of Minnesota employment policies regarding the treatment of employees, including prevention of sexual harassment in the work place. Detailed descriptions of these policies can be found in the UMD Employer Handbook. 7. Contact Jennifer Schultz, Director of the Health Care Management Program, at 218-726-6695 should problems arise. Mentor/Supervisor: 1. Serve as a model, coach, mentor, and tutor to the student. 2. Assist the student in identification of learning outcomes and activities to achieve them. 3. Assign the student specific and significant duties and projects that contribute to the student’sShow MoreRelatedInternship Experience With High Hopes And Expectations752 Words   |  4 PagesMount St. Mary s University, Los Angeles INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT Interns and their supervisors both anticipate the internship experience with high hopes and expectations. If an internship is to be a positive and worthwhile, the intern and supervisor should share an understanding of what will happen during the intern’s time at work. This form is intended to help both the student intern and the site in which they work to establish a mutually beneficial relationship. It is the intern’s responsibilityRead MoreMy Experience With A Internship Experience913 Words   |  4 PagesThis internship experience has been an amazing experience! I wouldn t have wanted to spend it under the wing of anyone other than Mrs. Doss. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Duo Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award free essay sample

Application Essay – DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award First of all, I am glad that to be given a chance to exchange to Germany for my studies in NUS. Germany is a great place with many world-class universities. Through the exchange programme, I will increase the value of my degrees, as study overseas is an evidence of independence, adaptability and a willingness to take on a challenge. The DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award will definitely valuable and helpful as the living expenses in Germany is quite high. This award will help to reduce the burden of my parents as I will not have to worry about the finances on my exchange. The DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship award will certainly create the strongest bond between the students from Europe and Asian ASEM member countries. With the help of this award, I will be able to open my sights by travelling and studying in Germany in the coming semester. We will write a custom essay sample on Duo Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As we all know, education is the one of the pillars linking Singapore and Germany, especially at the university level. I believe that students in Germany will have a great interest in Singapore as the lives in Singapore are a mixture of West and the East, where you cannot find in everywhere else. With the exchange programme and the help of DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship awards, I will have the chance the share ideas to the students and lecturers in Germany regarding the new programme in Singapore, which is first introduced in Asia. Besides, as I am now working on a three-year project about the future transportation in Singapore, I may gain some insight about the technologies in Germany through discussion or researches with the professors and student regarding on my project. Being an exchange student, it is not just about personal experiences, but in a bigger context, I am representing my university, NUS and also Singapore. Most of us do not have the opportunity to study or travel overseas often to have a feel of different cultures of other countries. Through the exchange programme, I will have the chance to immersed fully into a new culture and improve my German with the locals through daily interactions. I believe that the precious experience of living in a foreign country must be rewarding and memorable. I hope that strong bond of friendship will be developed during my exchange in Germany and we can freely exchange ideas and views. Representing NUS and Singapore, I will try my best to introduce the background or uniqueness of Singapore since it is a potential place to stay and work here. It is my responsibilities, as an exchange student, to promote Singapore to the people in Germany. It is definitely a life-changing experience to be an exchange student to Germany, but it is only made possible with the help of DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Transcendentalism Essays (503 words) - Literature,

Transcendentalism Transcendentalism is a newly founded belief and practice that involves man's interaction with nature, and the idea that man belongs to one universal and benign omnipresence know as the oversoul. The term was first introduced by German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and was published in his "Critique of Practical Reasoning". The impressions of transcendentalism by the American people were sketchy and obscure, but as magazines and books were published on the topic the coterie of transcendentalist spread. The authors of the nineteenth century books, essays, and philosophies were a reflection of these beliefs such authors were Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and William Cullen Bryant. Thoreau was the most explicit and greatest influential transcendentalist writer of the time period. Inspired by the exploration and writing about spiritual relationships between humanity and nature, and the ideas of his good friend Ralph Emerson, he experimented with this new found idea. On July fourth he left on an experience to Walden Pond. He spent two years watching, writing, and feeling the power of nature. The only way Thoreau could encounter a relationship with nature was to become one with the way of the woods, streams, ponds, and animals. Thoreau was also indicative of Emerson's success as a transcendental writer, because they lived together in the same house and shared similar ideas and beliefs. Along with the influence of Thoreau, Emerson was further affected by the writings of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge in their book Lyrical Ballads. Emerson's poems reflect the images of the oversoul and harmony of man and nature. Unlike the previous poets, William Cullen Bryant was his own creator. Born in a rural area, Bryant had a deep interest in nature and loved to explore his surroundings. He began writing poetry at age nine, and later periodically read eighteenth century poetry, which is present in his poems because of their European style. Bryant additionally expressed an appeal to nineteenth century poets, moreover he believed in women's rights, freedom of speech and religion, and the abolition of slavery, which gave him a voice in important subjects that needed change. In addition to their impact on views of the world these authors prompted a different outlook on nature for many other writers. Bryant influenced the establishment of Romanticism in American Literature and shaped the next generation of poets to be. Emerson gave the "free birds" of our society a new method of thinking, which partially inspired the "hippie" movement. Thoreau gave writers, social and political readers, and environmentalists a new way to conceive thoughts or ideas that may come to them. Thoreau made the future generations of readers observant of the possibilities of the human spirit and the limitations of society. Through what these and more writers have left us the American people have learned to see nature through a kaleidoscope of precious beings and bring unity among all. The oversoul is not only a belief but is a reality for many that choose to be panthioistic. To all that bring the world hate, war, crime, and disgrace when has the choice of nature over rancor resolved to nothing but death and violence. When great writers such as Thoreau, Bryant, and Emerson grace the earth, leaving nothing but the best for us to reveal.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Change Management Definition and Its Principles

Introduction In one way or another all organizations whether big or small will eventually undergo some form of change, whether it comes in the form of changes to organizational leadership, changes to processes due to market influences or simply changes in the way the company addresses interoffice communication, the fact remains that in one way or another change is inevitable and as such it is important to establish methods of managing change so as to ensure a smooth transition from one method of doing things to another (Schraeder Jordan, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Change Management Definition and Its Principles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More 3 Principles to Remember when Managing Change For this particular exercise I chose the following principles of change due to the way in which they reflect my own personal thoughts on what is necessary to manage change effectively: To change the individual, cha nge the system People fear change it â€Å"happens† to them. A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results For me these particular principles speak volumes of what is needed in managing change and as such I will attempt give you the reader a short overview of why I believe this are so and will try to convince you of the accuracy of my choice. First and foremost the principle of changing the system in order change the individual is derived from my own belief that in one way or another people tend to conform their mannerisms to the way a particular organizational structure works. Though it may not be immediately apparent facets such as work culture and internal company rules and regulations work in a manner in which an individual perceives what he should so and how he should do it. While such a factor is important in creating consistency and getting exactly what the company requires out of an e mployee often such systems enforce a certain mindset on individuals resulting in them being maladaptive to sudden changes in the way they used to do things. It is based on this that in order to change the way in which a employee acts, thinks and expresses ideas it is important to first change the system in which he/she operates in order to bring about the desired change needed (Schraeder Jordan, 2011). Secondly, the concept of people fearing change is well known psychological concept that is deeply embedded in the fact that humans are essentially creatures of habit. People prefer doing things a certain way, they like having routines and they enjoy a life where they follow the simple logic of â€Å"if they do this they get that† (Van der Merwe, 2009). When a certain inexplicable change is introduced into a person’s routine three possible things may occur, either: They adapt to this new change They resist to the change that is being induced They attempt to adapt yet fa il at doing so. For organizations in the midst of change the latter two responses are the most troubling since this may result in several groups of individuals either resisting the change or being unable to adapt properly, both of which would adversely affect the company.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Going back to the first principle mentioned, it is important to take note of the fact that in order to prevent the fear of change what is needed is to gradually change the system in which a person works up to the point that they are able to accept the change as it happens. The second principle compliments the first in that it addresses the unsaid point that since people fear change it is often hard to change the individual. Thus in order to change a person it is necessary to gradually change the mindset they operate with in order to facilitate effective change with little ad verse effects (Van der Merwe, 2009). The last principle chosen is related to the action of having people know what is needed change and thus having them choose the direction in which the change would be best implemented. While this paper has so far shown that people fear change, are often resistant to it and that in order to change a person it is necessary to change the system they work in what wasn’t mentioned was the fact that people are often resistant to outside change yet when the change comes from within, in that they see the necessity of change, employees often respond positively towards change and actually work towards it. In the case of the third principle by a supplying a clearly defined vision of what is needed to change instead of forcing the change, employees actually become more amenable to the necessity of change and become less resistant, more encouraging and actually contribute their own thoughts and views as to what other changes could be accomplished. Techn iques to Manage Change There are 3 techniques that I would like to elaborate on that I believe are important in managing change and are consistent with the principles I chose Changing Employee Mindsets One of the first techniques necessary in managing change is to change the way in which employees think about the way in which they work. As mentioned in the discussion regarding the 1st principle it is often the case that employees develop a certain mindset regarding work which makes them far less apt to change when the need arises.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Change Management Definition and Its Principles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is based on this that what is needed is slowly change internal company policies and workplace culture so as to make it more amenable to the desired change rather than implement it all at once. This conforms with the first principle of change chosen in which a person is ch anged via a change in the system that they work. Implementing a workplace culture of open communication In the second principle chosen it was elaborated that people tend to fear change, while this is true the fact remains that there are actually method of mitigating this. One of them is implementing a workplace culture of open communication, by doing so not only can employee fears be addressed and taking into account when implementing change within the organization but it can be used as way in which to dampen the unforeseen and adverse effects the might happen should change be implemented. Establish Goals/Purpose driven work In their study examining employee performance it was discovered by Bishop (2011) that it is often the case that employees work better and adapt to change faster if there is a given goal or rather their work is driven by a specific purpose. Taking the third principle chosen into consideration it can be assumed that by creating a defined vision by which employees can work towards not only would this result in a smooth transition during change but can actually result in improved employee performance as well. Reference List Bishop, M. (2011). Raising the Bar on Performance-Driven Leadership. T+D, 65(7), 38. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Schraeder, M., Jordan, M. (2011). Managing Performance. Journal for Quality   Participation, 34(2), 4-10. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Van der Merwe, S. P. (2009). Determinants of family employee work performance and compensation in family businesses. South African Journal of Business  Management, 40(1), 51. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. This essay on Change Management Definition and Its Principles was written and submitted by user Lola Parrish to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

loss of national soverignty essays

loss of national soverignty essays Noam Chompsky once said: "People don't know what's happening, and they don't even know that they don't know." (Mattern, 1998, p.5) These are very harsh words but they do provide insight about how much the general population of countries involved with globalization knows about the issues that are dominating humanitarian groups around the world. Free trade one of the most controversial issues surrounding globalization has been getting the most attention lately as many treaties are being discussed. Because most of the negotiations for these treaties are being done behind closed doors and the countries negotiating them do not want their discussions to be made public most of the general population has been kept unknowledgeable about the implications of the trade agreements currently being discussed. Because the issues surrounding these treaties are immense, discussion of the issues need to be analyzed through different perspectives. Various International Relations theories come in pl ay when talking about these issues but arguments will be analyzed through the liberal IR theory and institutionalism. Through time, trade between people and nations have become more important as economic specialization enables greater productivity. This leads nations and countries to better produce certain goods and trade with nations that are more efficient at producing other goods. With the advent of the industrial revolution and the mass production of goods, trading became ever more important as increasingly large amounts of goods could be produced in the same area and be exported elsewhere for consumption. In the early days of international exchange, high tariffs and small quotas resulted in the inefficient use of resources. After WWI and WWII with the creation of the League of Nations and latter the United Nations, many international organizations were formed and it is in this period that early forms of the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Explore Hardy's use of Nature in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Coursework

Explore Hardy's use of Nature in Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Coursework Example Tess of the D’Urbervilles (1891) portrays the life of an innocent girl, Tess and details the path of her life to the tragedy and destruction. The writer justifies his presentation of the protagonist by giving the subtitle, ‘A pure woman faithfully presented.’ The life of the pure woman is symbolized with the purity of nature. The nature, as in other novels, remains to be a strong force and motif in this novel. The suffering of Tess is pictured as corresponding to the changes in nature and vice versa. So the affirmative relationship with the protagonist and nature makes the readers to call Hardy as the nature lover just like William Wordsworth, the renowned nature poet. The present paper tries to analyze how Thomas Hardy explored the change of nature in his novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Hardy could make use of the involvement of nature with the ups and downs in the life of the protagonist. Tess represents the purity of nature. In the May Day dance Tess is presented as the most beautiful and pure in the ceremony. She became the major attraction of the program. This ceremony is linked with the peasantries’ pagan rituals and culture which is highly associated with the nature. The innocence of peasantry is again associated with the accident when the horse was killed. She feels the responsibility on herself. The death of the animal has become a stink into the conscience of the lady. This marks for the beginning of her tragedy. The innocent girl, Tess Durbeyfield makes her way of tragedy to Trantridge where she was seduced by Alec d’Urbervilles and hence follows the problems in her life finally making her a murderer. In all the flux of her life nature responds with her as a close associative. So nature acts as an integral part in the novel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles. The life of Tess is reflected in the nature surrounded her. She feels carefree and happy at Durbeyfield. Chapter two of the novel describes the village o f Marlott as in the lap of nature. The novelist says that the village of Marlott lay in the Vale of Blackmore and it is â€Å"an engirdled and secluded region, for the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape- painter, through within a four hours’ journey from London.1† This depicts the psychological nature of the protagonist symbolizing purity and beauty. She enjoyed being in the lap of nature at this time. The Club walking or May Day dance that they had conducted at this villages also is the epitome of the enjoyment in the mind of the protagonist. The nature depicted in the Chase where she was seduced by Alec shows the pitfalls in the nature. The agony and sorrow of the protagonist is compared with the sorrow of the animals and birds at the place. Hardy describes the situation as, â€Å"She could hear the rustling of the branches as he ascended the adjoining slope, till his movements were no louder than the hopping of a bird, and finally died away2.† The writer here asks about her guardian angel that why it has deserted the innocent woman to be seduced by a vagabond. The novel states that the nature too is over darkened at this night by the seduction of this innocent girl. But the writer in no way establishes that her purity is lost. She still represents the nature with its purity and beauty. The death her newborn baby seems to be affected in the nature by projecting the sorrow it carries through the birds and trees. The life of Te

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Psychology project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Psychology project - Essay Example Sternberg goes on to elaborate that compassionate love consists of liking without sexual desire. He traces compassionate love to humanities biological heritage. The extreme helplessness of a human infant who cannot even hold his/her head upright for the first five months and needs the support of an elder care giver who nurtures his life guided primarily with the feelings of compassionate love for the completely vulnerable and helpless organism that man is at birth. So the perpetuation of the species to a large extent is dependent on the compassion and care our older care givers gave us to enable us to survive. Sternberg states that compassionate love results from both intimacy and commitment - (minus the passion). Compassion is an unconditional love rather like the love God has for humanity or like the brotherly/sisterly love shared by homeless people who share a deeper caring for each other even though they are not related. By its very definition compassionate love in my view is important as it will act as an anti-dote to fight terrorism and the senseless hatred of people who are different. More then any other kind of love, compassion is the one type of love that will facilitate a perpetuation of the species because, the more compassion we have for each other, the less likely we are to bump each other off. Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love states love has three components- 1) Intimacy 2) Passion 3) Commitment. Various combinations of these result in different types of love. For example, a combination of intimacy and commitment results in compassionate love. According to Sternberg compassion is a more durable form of love as it is based on the two elements of commitment as well as intimacy, while love that is based on a single element, like say, passion is more likely to fizzle out with time. In this paper we will examine various theories on love to try and better understand the nature of love in general and compassionate love in particular. Biology of Psychology Here is the idea- 'Natural selection' offers the advantage of survival and so is more likely to be practiced by future generations. Darwin states, "can we doubtthat individuals having any advantage, however slight, over others,would have the best chance of surviving and of procreating their kind On the other hand, we may feel sure that any variation in the least degree injurious would be rigidly destroyed. This preservation of favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural Selection."(Darwin, 1859, Natural Selection, The Origin of Species,) It could be that when we fall in love

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Comparing Films About The Christopher Columbus Movie Review

Comparing Films About The Christopher Columbus - Movie Review Example This restraint is not felt by those individuals seeking new stories or new ways of telling old stories through the bright lights of Hollywood as a means of gaining consumer dollars. Approaches to historical subjects vary widely depending upon the motivations of the filmmakers in the creation of their film. This can be seen most clearly when comparing those films, typically classified as documentaries, that aim to educate rather than entertain and those films, appropriately labelled entertainment, whose primary function is to entertain an audience and bring box office dollars into the producer’s pockets. While each may contain significant similarities as the entertainment film is based upon fact or the documentary strives to keep its audience’s attention, there remain significant differences between the two types of film. Comparing A&E’s biography of Christopher Columbus with the 1992 Hollywood production entitled â€Å"Christopher Columbus: The Discovery†, significant differences can be found in style, reporting of sources, adherence to and limitation by verifiable facts, overall presentation and inclusion of created elements. Because of their different target audience, each type of film approaches their subject in its own unique style. The documentary presents its facts as snippets of individual interviews held with a panel of ‘experts’, presenting both the information and the credentials at one and the same time. The storyline is based upon a step by step relation of facts regarding Christopher Columbus’ life supported by a similarly open and straightforward style. Lighting is kept bright, allowing little or nothing to hide in the shadows. Tricks of the camera are kept to a minimum as well, typically focused from a stationary spot within the expert’s office or panning slowly across a picture or sketch.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Improvements In Life Expectancy India Health And Social Care Essay

Improvements In Life Expectancy India Health And Social Care Essay Life expectancy of Indians during the past fifty years has been steadily increasing exponentially matching the trend that took several hundred years shown in Developed countries. 23Some of the possible reasons for such exponential rises gained by Indians in years are controlling deaths caused by epidemics and pandemic infectious diseases, and absence of famines or wars since Indias independence. The high death rates due to infectious diseases were dramatically curtailed due to availability of antibiotics and further with introduction of Universal Immunization program. This was followed by improved living conditions, advances in public health, and availability of advanced medical interventions. Figure.1: Improvements in Life Expectancy-India (1960-2009) Source: The World Bank Group  [4]   Results from estimates of World Bank indicate that India has share of her good and bad news. The good news so far has been that Life expectancy is increasing until now and bad news is whether such rate of increase can be maintained over next few decades. Currently India has excellent health service delivery mechanisms, which are efficient in extending the lives of her people by treating chronic conditions and cancer. However, the question is whether such improvements in technology are addressed only to cure ailing population or can India address preventive programs aimed at decreasing the burden of obesity and chronic conditions. Hence, the next big threat to Life Expectancy improvements appears to be stemming from obesity and chronic diseases in middle and old age, which are directly linked to an increased risk for death and morbidity. Attempts to predict life expectancy of Indian population, in terms of whether it is improving or getting worse becomes even more intricate in the absence of scientific data available for such evaluations. Figure 2. Observed and Projected composition of age-groups for Indians (1960 to 2010). Evidence from studies indicates that obesity and overweight in adulthood are associated with large decreases in life expectancy and increases in early mortality.  [5]  678This paper aims at explaining the intricacies involved in the interplay of obesity and old age in their impact on Life expectancy. Challenges in measuring the effects of Obesity and Old Age on Life expectancy Ice-berg phenomenon The health risks of obesity in the elderly are mostly underestimated due to survivor bias seen in the elderly people (only those who have survived fatal effects of obesity and chronic diseases), inability to separate competing mortalities due to relatively shortened life expectancy in older persons and longitudinal effects of confounding conditions (eg., smoking) are difficult to measure.  [9]   Definition of Obesity in Elderly The appropriateness of definition of obesity in the elderly is a debatable issue. Obesity should be defined as the amount of excess fat storage associated with elevated health risk. For this practical definition, Body Mass Index (BMI) has been largely used in younger adults as well in older ages. BMI gets altered in old age due to age-dependent changes in numerator and denominator in calculation. Several studies have shown that there is age-related decline in height, probably because of spinal deformity with thinning of the inter-vertebral discs as well as loss of vertebral body height due to osteoporosis. Hence, age-dependent height decrease leads to incorrect overestimation of obesity. Body weight in old people reflects a higher amount of total fat because of age-dependent loss of lean body mass. This may lead to underestimation of obesity as a result of increase and redistribution of fat inside the body. Hence, aging influences both numerator and denominator of BMI, in opposite di rections. Further, larger waist and waist-to-hip ratio have found to be significantly associated with mortality in older subjects, whilst BMI was not. The higher the age, the shorter is the remaining lifespan for persons regardless of degree of obesity. Most obesity related consequences take years to develop even among susceptible population; hence, obesity related complications in old age are not seen if susceptible die of non-obesity-related conditions. It is observed that weight change, both weight loss and weight gain, is a strong predictor of mortality. Further, many studies showed lower mortality in subjects with lower BMI, or at least a U-shaped relation between BMI and mortality. The underlying diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer can result in spurious inverse relation between low body weight and increased mortality.  [10]   Interaction of Obesity, Old Age and their toll on Life Expectancy Weight gain or fat redistribution in older age confers adverse health risks in the form of early mortality and co-morbidities amounting to functional decline. Obesity has been recognized to be associated with several disorders that confer morbidity and may also be related to increased mortality. Obesity, and more importantly body fat distribution are associated with metabolic syndrome even in old ages.  [11]  There is higher prevalence of both systemic and pulmonary hypertension and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in old age, especially among those with pulmonary complications and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).  [12]   Role of Smoking There is stronger evidence that smoking plays an important role in the interaction of obesity and old age. It is well known that smokers are thinner and have an elevated mortality compared with nonsmokers. However, when only people who never smoked were studied, there is an observed linear relation between BMI and mortality among older subjects, suggesting that increased mortality associated with the lowest weights were a function of cigarette smoking, and that, among never-smokers, very low weights were associated with the greatest longevity. Summary The steady rise in life expectancy observed in the modern era may soon come to an end and the youth of today may, on average, live less healthy and possibly even have shorter lives than their parents. There are many challenges to delineate the association between obesity and mortality in the elderly. Since confounding effects by different variables in this association accumulate over the lifetime, it is difficult to accurately measure and account for these factors. Mortality is not the only end point that should be considered in the evaluation of the impact of overweight and obesity on health status in older people. There is increasing evidence that obesity is reduces life expectancy due to direct and indirect causes. Obesity will not only increases the risk of death for most people at most ages, but also consistently leads to a much higher level of disability and disease at all ages. Voluntary weight loss may have beneficial health effects in elderly similar to the effects in young age. Studies on the effect of weight loss in the elderly are scarce, but they suggest that even small amounts of weight loss (between 5 to 10% of initial body weight) may be beneficial. It is well known that increased physical exercise is associated with decreased mortality risk in middle-aged as well as in older people.  [13]   India is surpassing through dual burden of diseases and consequences of obesity might take a greater toll. Hence policy makers should focus on promoting prevention and treatment of obesity related conditions, especially among old age. Based on priorities in public health expenditure, the country can effectively implement population-level interventions to reduce obesity. Health care providers should engage in complete evaluation of co morbidity and weight history, in the elderly obese persons to comprehensively address potential adverse health effects of o obesity.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

American name David Birth name Huayi

My partner is a very dynamic Chinese guy named Hua Yi, but is known by his American name, David Birth. He is an only son and lives with his immediate family although he has other family members and relatives in South East China. His father works as a truck driver and his mother, as an airline inspector. He goes back to China to visit every two years or so. On assessment, he believes that their family belongs to the middle class economic strata. David’s parents moved to the United States nine years ago in 2000 in search of wider horizons and better earning opportunities.David believes that he left his cultural roots in China, but he has never forgotten this, and so, despite his being in the United States, he has retained his cultural identity and learned to incorporate American culture into it. He believes he has half of his heart in China and half in the United States. David is a very physical person and loves to indulge in sports and other physical activities like table tenni s, club and local golfing, as well as fishing. He values his leisure time and spends this mostly with his family and friends.He likes to watch movies and spend time learning new things and discovering new possibilities. He is also very outgoing and can handle his emotions quite well. David finished his secondary education from North Penn High School in Lansdale four years ago in 2005. He has consistently been a ‘B’ student and decided to shift from nursing to international business during his college years. He plans to pursue this degree in international business and later transfer to a ‘temple’ from his community college.He is bent on finding a job in the Philadelphia area so that he can use this job as a stepping stone to accomplish his dream of being able to travel all around the world and learn new things. In the next year, he has also made a resolve to work hard to acquire good grades to enable him to transfer to a better college. He also plans to inve st in real estate when he has the resources and buy a luxurious house for his parents. David can be very shy at times and he also has difficulty in verbalizing his emotions. He is very close to his family and so fears that one day they will acquire health problems and eventually die.INFERENTIAL SECTION: Based on the simplicity of David, and his very simple aspirations, I can easily say that he only seeks very ordinary dreams for himself and for the people around him. I think that his foremost desire would be to able to meet the basic requirements of a dignified life, hence, quite likely, in the next ten years he would be focused on building his own family, leading a good family life, maintaining a decent and good paying job, and being able to acquire residential property. Considering his Asian background, David has high hopes of moving to America.Based on his past, I can say that moving to America is a very welcome change for him and that this significant event in his life has given him a more liberal and permissive view of things, enabling him to be more decisive, more open to risks, and change. His Asian background has also given him the propensity to view things based on the oriental belief of Karma, which means that according to his own personal philosophy, he thinks that the energy you put out to the universe, which could either be good or bad, is the same kind of energy that the universe will send back to you.VALUE SECTION: As a person, my partner’s strengths are being able to maintain an open mind in all things and seek opportunities to try innovations. This mindset of his could be considered a strength because this will enable him to explore many new things in life and try out more opportunities; therefore making him a more rounded and more holistic person than he is now. David is very open to criticism and he believes that he can learn many new things from what other people say – as a strength, this can contribute to self-improvement as well as individual development.David, on the other hand, can be very shy at times. This prevents him from vocalizing his ideas and making his thoughts known to other people. This, as his weakness, can cause him to become less satisfied of certain situations because he cannot verbalize what he wants to do about these things. He may also have problems with indicating what he truly wants in many cases because not all people can read other people’s minds. Treated the other way, this shyness can be converted into a strength if it is based on the concept of being mild-mannered and composed.This particular attitude of his can work the other way and give other people the impression that he can control himself well and is not given to stray and baseless reactions and emotions. SELF-REFLECTION SECTION: As a interpersonal communicator, I believe that the most important skill that I have is the ability to listen and allow the other person to speak. Many things can be gleaned from how ano ther person reacts to our questions and I am confident that I give due attention to these subtle and discreet reactions.Another ability of mine that I consider a strength is my skill of being able to rephrase the question for clarity. This can be very helpful especially if the person I am talking to has difficulty in comprehension. I am also given to being lively and bubbly at times so this serves to keep the interest of the person I am talking to. I also tend to be very intimate when it comes to communication; maintaining eye contact, physical contact, and contact on a mental level.I avoid being too emotional when communicating to maintain objectivity. In my conversation with David he found me to be very entertaining. On the other hand, my approach to communication can be very aggressive at times and this can intimidate the person I am talking to and cause them to shrink into themselves. My being very vocal and verbal can sometimes come across as intimidating. I tend to be very pre cise at times, and this can work against me by making me sound more like an investigator than a communicator.To improve on my interpersonal communication skills, I believe that I need to expose myself to more real life situations and not treat encounters like they are opportunities to earn a good grade in the classroom. I have to learn the entertainment and knowledge value of communication and the various benefits that it can present to social relationships. Perhaps, I need to attend personality development seminars and workshops to make me more effective in interpersonal communications. To add to this, I also need to develop a certain degree of rapport with myself to be able to reflect this rapport to whoever I am communicating with.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

American Business Leaders

This essay briefly describes the life and achievements of two successful American business leaders, their brief life sketches, the ways and means used by them to achieve their success . It also goes to explain how each of them affected the American society and finally concludes with a comment on the morality of their actions.The two businessman chosen for this essay are : Andrew Carnegie, the pioneer of the American steel industry who lived in the nineteenth century, and Bill Gates,  the software wizard who has managed to change the definition a computer, from a ‘ highly scientific equipment’ of 1960s, to a necessary machine of every member of every family, not only in America but the entire globe !!!Andrew hailed from a very poor family of a hand weaver of Scotland who was disposed ‘workless’ by the power looms of the industrial revolution, and Bill was an entrepreneur at the age of 14 as a school student !!!! Both climbed up the ladder, to be respected a s the ‘captains’ of their ownrespective industries. Life sketches â€Å" I began to learn what poverty means, it was burnt to my heart that my father had to beg for work, and then came the resolve that I would cure it when I become a man. †. ( Andrew Carnegie) Can anyone believe that he would become the pioneer of the formidable American steel industry and the richest man on this world? Andrew Carnegie was born in a very poor family of a hand weaver who was disposed from his work when power looms came in during the industrial revolution in Britain.His mother used to do household work to manage daily bread. The family shifted to Pittsburgh in US in 1848. Andrew started working at the age of 17 as a telegraph delivery boy, and never missed an opportunity for advancement. Carnegie happened to come close to Thomas Scott, who was an official with Pennsylvanian railroad, while working at the telegraph office. Thomas hired him as his PA, and from there he climbed up to become the later become the superintendent of Pittsburgh division. The outbreak of civil war created a huge demand for iron and steel.Andrew saw this as an opportunity and invested in steel rolling mill. There was no looking back then. He became the richest man on this world during his times. In the later stages of his life, he sold off his steel business and concentrated on philanthropic activities, mainly for the spread of education and global peace. 2500 public libraries were opened with the help of his donations. He had given away $350 million as donations for the improvement of mankind. He had floated the idea of ‘league of nations’ and built the ‘ palace ofpeace ’ which later became ‘ world court ’. He was so disturbed by the hostilities of World War I that the last entry in his autobiography was on the day the war began !! ( Andrew Carnegie) On the other hand, Bill Gates, real name William Henry Gates III, was born in a rich family of Se attle, USA, to a lawyer father and mother was director in a bank. He went to the most expensive school of Seattle, where the fees were $ 5000 as compared to $ 1760 at Harvard. He was interested in programming from his early school days.The Computer Center Corporation banned students from his school, when they were caught exploiting bugs with the operating system to buy computer time!! So involved was he with programming that at the age of 14, he had already made a payroll program in Cobol and formed a venture with his school colleagues to make traffic counters and earn $ 20,000/- in the first year. When his age was disclosed, he was shown the gate !! He went to Harvard for his degree study where he met Steve Ballmer. Both joined hands as partners to establishMicrosoft ® a software consultancy firm, which has become the largest software company on this world. Windows operating system, invented by Microsoft ® has revolutionized the computer industry. Bill Gates is perhaps the only person to be ranked as the richest man on this world for 13 successive years, from 1993 to 2006 !! He announced his retirement from day to day activities in 2006, to turn his attention to philanthropic activities. ( Bill Gates) Methods Both Andrew and Bill have lived two centuries apart, and both were polesapart in their personalities and background. Hence their methods to amass wealth also vary substantially. Andrew lived in times when technology was not so advanced and resources were scarce. A very fierce lust for wealth was the driving force behind all his methods, and this force was driven by necessity. He had seen the ghastly face of poverty in his childhood and his sole aim in life to drive it away. This was coupled with eagerness to progress and earn more. In absence of any good scholastic background, his instincts was the only asset he had.He kept his eyes and ears open and took a right jump whenever he saw a rise in income coming through that jump. Experience was the only teacher, and he was an avid learner. He did not hesitate to jump if it offered financial gains. This was coupled with a sharp sense of vision. A vision to see the shape of things to come in future. He saw an opportunity in iron and steel during the civil war, and he invested in it. Taking right steps at an appropriate time is also one of the salient methods adopted by him.Though he was an advocate of trade unionism, he did not mind exploiting the workers of his own steel company, because self gain is the only motive of any businessman. This is evident from the labor strike at his company. Good administrative skills and good human relations management were the key methods to his success, which has earned him the reputation of ‘Captain of steel industry ’. Bill Gates has lived in a different era when technology had highly developed and he had an enviable scholastic background.His methods are more ‘intellectual’ than ‘physical’. It were the intell ectual abilities, especially his ability to find software solutions , that has enabled Bill to win the race. Like Andrew, Bill also saw an opportunity and lost no time in grabbing it. A salient highlight of Bill’s methodology is that he has always focused on ‘ innovations’ and ‘speed’. The milestones of developments his development are witness to the fact that his thoughts are very fresh and innovative, and he worked at such great speeds thathe has always been the first to offer tangible solutions. It has been Bill’s strategy to bank upon someone else’s idea, work upon it, and present the solutions before others can do it. Bill did not see anything wrong in working upon GUI which originally someone else’s idea. It was Bill who came up with the first GUI ‘Windows-3. 1’ which was an instant success. ‘ Ruthlessness’ was one of the methods which helped Bill to attain his status as the ‘captain of softw are industry’. Impact on American SocietyBoth Andrew and Bill have had tremendous impact on the American life. Andrews’ daunting spirits were not only helpful in establishment of the formidable American steel industry, but also an inspiration to many youngsters who were eager to start on their own. Europe was the focus of all technological development so far, but Andrew was instrumental in demonstrating that America has all the resources to beat Europe in this matter. It was largely due to his efforts that large scale industrialization and mass production concepts startedgaining momentum in the war torn America. Talking of Bill, he has changed not only America but the whole world. So wide and great is the impact of his thoughts and the products of his company that today almost Microsoft ® has become a household name over the globe. He has completely changed the way people communicate across the globe. This has a massive impact on the increase in global trade and comm erce. Today, a Director of a company head quartered in London can get the production figures from its units situated in America, and thesales figures from his office in Tokyo, within seconds. He should thank Bill Gates for making all these possible !! Moral Aspects All of us big or small, rich or poor have a social obligation. Both Andrew and Gates have erred drastically during their young age in their quest for wealth. Even though Andrew had witnessed poverty, he did not hesitate in exploiting the poor workers in his own steel company. The strike and the labor unrest due to this is a blot on his otherwise spotless career. ( Andrew Carnegie) On the other hand Billwent one step ahead, and saw nothing wrong in ‘stealing’ the GUI concepts which were initiated by others. His fierce maneuvering with IBM is one more example of business practice which can be judged ‘wrong’ morally. A legal suit, filed by the American Government over Microsoft ® raises many quest ions about the ethical policies of the Company. ( Bill Gates) Both these ‘captains’, towards the end of their career have exhibited unparallel moral sense by donating huge amounts for the betterment of the society. Andrewconcentrated on improvement through education, while Bill has been more aggressive and even touched social issues like ‘AIDS eradication’. Andrew died as a frustrated man due to hostilities of the first world war and what happens to Bill, only time will tell. Works-cited page 1) Andrew Carnegie, People and events- Andrew Carnegie, 1999, Retrieved on 18-02-07 from, < http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/carnegie/peopleevents/pande01. html > 2) Bill Gates, wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 18-02-07, Retrieved on 20-02-07, From: < http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bill_Gates >

Friday, November 8, 2019

Telecommunication within ARAMCO

Telecommunication within ARAMCO Saudi Aramco is the national oil company for Saudi Arabia and manages the world’s largest crude oil reserves. Over the years, the company has developed into an international petroleum enterprise with expertise in exploration, production, refining and sale of petroleum products.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Telecommunication within ARAMCO specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company is also responsible for gas processing that is a major contribution to the it’s economy. It also provides other services to its employees such as hospitals and several fire stations that serve both the company and its surrounding residential areas. The company has employed various forms of telecommunication such as the use of emergency telephone help lines in order to cater for the safety of its workers, the public and even the environment in case of a disaster (Comer 2006). In maximizing the extraction and use of oil and gas, the company has integrated detailed electronic and human networks. A well established fiber optic technology system that supports high bandwidth voice and data communications has been set up enabling authorities to monitor performance of sea operations from land. It also operates a radio mobile network for its operational areas. A detailed company website is also another means by which the company is able to advertise its products and services to the entire world. This lessens time and distance barriers enabling the company to survive in the current competitive marketplace. In regard to the rapidly changing technological environment, ABC communications would like to offer a proposal for the assessment of in-place telecommunication equipment to determine whether they are effective, efficient and economical. This will ensure that the company is up to date with the current telecommunication advancements as it involves analyzing the future viability of the current systems in place while scrutinizing their impact on the achievement of organizational goals. Achievement of the above will entail the following:Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A cost/benefit analysis of the telephone and computer systems in use with an upgrade of the systems where necessary. If however, they’re inefficient then new systems may be installed. Offering cheaper alternatives for office communication such as high speed wireless internet services. Installation of the latest fiber optic technology into the system which translates to increased number of calls that can be carried and improved information security as it is difficult to tap into fiber optic cables without detection. Developing streamed videos as a marketing strategy thus enabling customers and stakeholders to browse large files in real time as users can view streamed multimedia as it is being rece ived. Setting up an internet office to store accessible files, phone numbers, email addresses and more especially for employees making it possible for co-workers to send and or receive important documents. Assessment of the company’s internet security and prevention of unauthorized access to corporate computer data. This is by means of constructing an internet firewall with a purpose of limiting access into and out of the network based on the company’s access policy Assist company personnel to identify problems in telecommunication and propose resolutions. Details of the price of the contract will be issued to the company on written acceptance of the proposal. My proposal is to carry out the above at the beginning of the next financial year beginning 1st April 2012. In carrying out the above, due to the sensitive nature of information likely to be acquired, I assure confidentiality on any classified company information that I come across when working with you. Our emp loyees will demonstrate professional competence and due care in performance of their duties. Reference Comer, D. (2006). Computer Networks and Internets. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sobek, the Crocodile God of Ancient Egypt

Sobek, the Crocodile God of Ancient Egypt The Nile River may have been Egypt’s lifeblood, but it also held one of its greatest dangers: crocodiles. These giant reptiles were represented in Egypt’s pantheon, too, in the form of the god Sobek. Sobek and the Twelfth Dynasty Sobek rose to national prominence during the Twelfth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.). Pharaohs Amenemhat I and Senusret I built on the already existing worship of Sobek in Faiyum, and Senusret II constructed a pyramid at that site. Pharaoh Amenemhat III dubbed himself â€Å"beloved of Sobek of Shedet† and added splendid additions to the crocodile god’s temple there. To top it off, the first female ruler of Egypt, Sobekneferu (â€Å"the Beauty of Sobek†), hailed from this dynasty. There were even several relatively obscure rulers named Sobekhotep who made up part of the succeeding Thirteenth Dynasty. Most prominently worshiped in the Faiyum, an oasis in Upper Egypt (a.k.a. Shedet), Sobek remained a popular god throughout Egypt’s millennia-long history. Legend has it that one of Egypt’s first kings, Aha, built a temple to Sobek in the Faiyum. In the Pyramid  Texts of the Old Kingdom pharaoh Unas, Aha is referred to as the â€Å"lord of Bakhu,† one of the mountains that supported Heaven. Sobek in Greco-Roman Times Even in Greco-Roman times, Sobek was honored. In his Geography, Strabo discusses the Faiyum, of Arsinoe, a.k.a. Crocodopolis (the City of the Crocodile) and Shedet. He says: â€Å"The people in this Nome hold in very great honor the crocodile, and there is a sacred one there which is kept and fed by itself in a lake, and is tame to the priests.† The croc was also venerated around Kom Ombo- at a temple complex built by the Ptolemies  and near the city of Thebes, where there was a cemetery full of crocodile mummies. A Monster in Myth In the Pyramid Texts, Sobeks mama, Neith, is mentioned, and his attributes are discussed. The Texts state: â€Å"I am Sobek, green of plumage[†¦]I appear as Sobek, Neith’s son. I eat with my mouth, I urinate and copulate with my penis. I am lord of semen, who takes women from their husbands to the place I like according to my mind’s fancy.† From this passage, it is clear that  Sobek was involved in fertility. In the Middle Kingdom-era Hymn to Hapy,  Sobek- who was the god of the Niles inundation- bares his teeth as the Nile floods and fertilizes Egypt. To further his monster-like demeanor, Sobek is described as having eaten Osiris. In fact, cannibalization of gods by other gods wasn’t uncommon. Crocodiles weren’t always seen as benevolent, however, they were  sometimes  thought to be messengers of  Set, god of destruction. Sobek helped Osiris’s son, Horus, when, Isis (Horus mother), cut his hands off. Re asked Sobek to retrieve them, and he did so by  inventing a fishing trap.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Globalization of crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Globalization of crime - Essay Example This has seen globalized crime networks grow to a proportion where they now account for about 15 percent of the Global GDP (Glenny 2009). Glenny (2009), further points out that since the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the communism, organized crime has quickly spread from the Eastern European countries and has become more diversified as it went global and eventually reached macro-economic proportions. The globalization of crime has resulted in the development of an intricate system of trade in a number of illicit rood where goods sourced from a market in a given continent are easily trafficked through another continent before they are eventually marketed in a third continent. The seriousness of the threat that is being posed by the globalization of crime has seen the UN Security council being forced to critically consider its overall implications in countries such as the Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Somalia where it is severely threatening the stability of these countries. A recent report by the UN Security Council, points out that globalized crime has used a number of different avenues so as to achieve its relatively unprecedented success. Some of these criminal problems include human trafficking, counterfeit goods trafficking, cybercrime, maritime piracy, environmental resource trafficking, drugs trafficking as well as firearms trafficking. Human Trafficking: Trafficking in persons is now considered to be a truly global phenomenon with recent data reported by the UNODC indicating that the human traffickers now manage this trade in such a manner that it has now grown to now include victims drawn from about 127 countries spread out across 137 different countries. Two thirds of these victims are usually women with an estimated 79 percent of them being subjected to sexual exploitation. Most of the sexual

Friday, November 1, 2019

The First Movement of Beethovens Symphony No. 5 Essay

The First Movement of Beethovens Symphony No. 5 - Essay Example The composition of this particular piece of classical music ensured that Beethoven’s name was ingrained into the foundations of genius artistry and established what can be termed as an everlasting presence on the influence of future classical positions. The Symphony No. 5 in C minor was written by Ludwig van Beethoven was composed over time and actually took a number of years (four) to be completed(Fandel, 2007). This goes to demonstrate the amount of work and effort that was put into this creation and establish the fact that this particular composition was not just another musician playing around with his instruments but the product of an utmost professional who put 100% into his work. This masterpiece was written between the years of 1804-1808 and after its completion, it became one of the most if not undoubtedly the most popular classical pieces of music in the world. The symphony was played in a wide and vast collection of musical performances where classical enthusiast would gather together in appreciation of this beautiful work of art. It was first performed in 1808 just after its completion in a theatre in Vienna known as Theatre an der wien and soon after that the piece of music received critical acclaim around the world. Over a century has gone by since then and this piece of classical music is still being played in theatres around the world by different bands specializing in classical music and by amateurs as well(Fandel, 2007). Lovers of the classical music genre have joined together to ensure that what can be considered to be one of Beethoven’s best pieces would not fade into obscurity regardless of the time elapsed since its creation.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Labour Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Labour Economics - Essay Example Aside from biological and cultural factors, industrialization has been pointed as the main cause of inequality which started between the agriculture and the industrial sectors. According to Williamson and Lindert (1980), the movements of the skilled and unskilled pay ratios clearly reflect the unequal distribution of wealth particularly between men and women. (Williamson and Lindert, 1980) Industrialization resulted to a lesser demand for human resources. This causes the increase in competition among the workers. The unequal resources such as the access to education between the rich and the less fortunate people resulted to a wider gap on the distribution of wealth between the two sectors of the society. This paper will discuss in details the effects of the inequality in the distribution of earnings, income, and wealth among men and women as a family in comparison to the case of single mothers as well as other factors such as the economic performance of the country and the UK tax reform. These factors could greatly affect the income-leisure time of women. On the other hand, the use of ‘Income-Leisure Choice Theory model’ could give us a better outlook on how working women or single mothers often end up working for longer hours The constantly changing working environment has resulted in the changes of employment patterns among men and women over the past decades. According to OEDC – Employment Outlook, the number of women participation in the corporate world has constantly increasing; while the men continuously declining. Specifically, the gender wage gaps between men and women in terms of their median earnings are wide. (See Table I – Gender Gap in Median Earnings of Full-time Employees in 2004 below and Graph I – Gender Wage Gaps on page 5) Since the earning gaps between men and women are quite big, women especially those who are single

Monday, October 28, 2019

Juvenile Boot Camps Essay Example for Free

Juvenile Boot Camps Essay Correctional boot camps for juveniles, as well as for adults, focus on structure, discipline and physical and/or mental challenge. The experiences of the offenders in the programs are anticipated to change them in a positive way so that their future criminal activities will be reduced. The mechanism for this change is attributed to various factors such as self-esteem or increased bonds with staff and peers. Some also expect that these punitive programs will discourage others from committing crimes or that the individuals who spend time in the programs will be deterred from future criminal activities. There are basically three types of boot camps: the military drilling style that focuses on strict discipline; the rehabilitative approach; and the educational/vocational model. In 1985 the first juvenile boot camp was established in Orleans Parish, Louisiana. In 1987, only four state correctional system boot camp programs existed. In 1992 there were three pilot juvenile boot camps started in Ohio, Colorado, and Alabama. The offenders sent to these locations were non-violent offenders less than 18 years of age, and were to complete a three-month residential program and six to nine month aftercare program. However, there were reports of a lack of consistency and coordination in the aftercare programs which lead to substandard results as opposed to those high intentions of lower recidivism. By 1993 there were forty-six reported in thirty states. This number grew increasingly to boast 75 facilities for juveniles by 1997, in 33 states. These figures represent only official state facilities, and do not include private camps and those established by local jurisdictions. If the figures included these facilities run by other jurisdictions and private persons the number would be significantly higher. The idea of juvenile boot camps is much newer than adult faculties, although, in Texas alone their Juvenile Probation Department approved eighteen proposals to construct juvenile facilities across the state (Tyler, 2001). There are several elements of juvenile boot camps which include a regimented military-style program, strict discipline and rules, young, first-time nonviolent inmates, and programs that offer a shorter alternative to prison sentences. These elements can be altered in order to form different methods of treatment within the camps. The goals vary within each program, but effectively they are all similar. They range to include incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, reduction of prison costs and crowding, and punishment. Each program varies these goals in order to obtain the maximum positive potential results possible (Keenan Barry, 1994). Rates of recidivism can be dependant on the types of offenders allowed to participate in the program, and therefore these participants are controlled for in order to make the programs look desirable to continue to obtain public support and funding from the state. There are several people that play a role in deciding the participants of the program. These players include the sentencing judge, the correctional authority operating the boot camp, or a combination of the two. Another factor that plays a role in participant selection is the participant themselves. These young offenders are able to choose to participate in the boot camp or endure a longer period in incarceration. Surprisingly there are a majority of offenders that choose incarceration over the tough boot camps (Selcraig, 2000). There are several issues that arise when studying boot camps. One needs to understand how to make boot camps effective in order to reduce the risk of reoffending after completion of the program. The camps used to be considered as scaring children senseless and it was thought that this idea scared the children not to re-offend. Now there has been more studies and researchers realize that this method needs to be mixed with treatment and aftercare in order to be an effective tool of punishment and treatment. Despite common wisdom holding that nothing works to alter a life of crime, programs can achieve rehabilitation by emphasizing problem-solving skills and anti criminal role-modelling. (Castellano) Another alternative to community supervision are halfway houses or partial community confinement, designed to provide help to the offender in being reintegrated into the community. These alternatives are also thought to increase rehabilitation and incapacitation, but at the same time they will increase the costs of rehabilitating the offender. This method combined with assistance in finding a job, counselling, and length of time monitored should prove effective in reducing re-offending. Monitoring comes in the form of electronic monitoring, and urinalysis. However, if these new methods prove to be more effective if combined as an aftercare program with the boot camp then it is a necessary tool that should be provided to the offender. There should be no cost too big in rehabilitating the offender because not only is it the offenders future at stake but possibly the publics too because it is thought that they usually re-offend with more serious crimes. The research on juvenile boot camps suggests that completion rates were high in the first year of the program, but research on aftercare programs suggests that nearly half of those who graduated to the aftercare phase dropped out, were arrested for a new offence, or were discharged for not complying with the programs rules. It was reported that in March 1992, every existing program was equipped with the necessary tools to provide education and/or drug-abuse treatment, although they were not originally equipped to do so. However, there is a belief that the effectiveness of boot camps as a deterrent to recidivism is less effective than the public believes. Further research must focus not so much on why the rate of recidivism is so high, but rather on how the boot camp program itself deters those who do not recidivate. There are several reasons that researchers attempt to use in order to defend the use of boot camps. They argue that the high recidivism rates can be accountable by a number of reasons. For example, they claim that the high rates are because some of the graduates were re-arrested for violent or aggressive crimes that they committed before boot camp, but the system was not aware of these crimes before assignment. They also claim that when the programs were started there was a huge backlog of high-risk youths in the system, so the boot camps received some of the worst offenders and can not be to blame for the high recidivism (Szalavitz, 2002). This point can be argued because isnt the program supposed to rehabilitate the offender? Does it matter if the offender is considered high-risk? The program operators are claiming success rates in order to obtain funding and continued support, however, they are saying that certain offenders can not be rehabilitated. It is not fair for someone else to decide whether or not someone is able to be rehabilitated without giving them a chance to prove themselves. No two people are alike and different people respond differently to treatments. There are also other negative aspects to these alternative measures of incarceration. There are several incidents of reported deaths caused by unnecessary roughness or physical exertion at these boot camps. Barry Krisberg, president of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency in Oakland believes that boot camps are poorly regulated, and notes that many camps require counsellors who have gone through the program themselves, meaning many have criminal records, and are left in charge of the children. This does not seem like an appropriate method for dealing with the children. Leaving them with counsellors with criminal records seems like an accident waiting to happen. Who is to say these counsellors are treated and reformed, especially after all the research indicating the possibilities of reoffending after the programs (Sharp, 1995). As well, there are reports of younger inmates being sexually assaulted, and one could assume others are physically assaulted by older inmates. According to an article published in 2000, there are at least half a dozen children that have died in boot camps, and other investigations have concluded that hundreds of others have been put through emotional and physical abuse (West, 2000). The costs of boot camps run an average of ten times higher than the cost of a juvenile on probation, according to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The average cost of each youth enrolled in a boot camps program runs about $93/day. These figures range from $65/day at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Mobile Alabama, to $120/day at the Second Chance in Connell, Washington. This works out to be approximately $33,480 per year per youth. Also in comparison, Kansas, which does not currently have boot camps, spends $47,400 per year per youth housing an offender in an institution (Tyler, 2001). There is also research suggesting the validity of the boot camps and their success in rehabilitating young offenders. The researchers claim that if there was an increase in the number of paid staff it would increase the number, quality, and intensity of training and rehabilitative programs within the camp. However, a downfall to this is the increase in funding that would be necessary to keep the programs up and running. Another idea that has been suggested is the multi-use of locations- using an existing prison site and incorporating the boot camps into the same location. They believe this would also decrease recidivism because it would serve as a deterrent when the offender saw the option of jail as another form of punishment and realized how unappealing it is. Colorado, North Dakota and Arizona have ended their boot camp programs, Georgia is phasing them out, and Florida and California are cutting back. This all due to the fact that there continues to be a lot of controversy over the effectiveness of the boot camps and whether or not they are effective in reducing recidivism and helping the offender to become a responsible contributing member of society. Along similar lines of boot camps, are another fairly new idea of programs. These programs are more interested in treatment and provide more education, as opposed to using the military-style punishment. One such programs sends recruits to spend a weekend with the U. S Marine Corps, learning obedience to orders and discipline. Researchers criticize this method of program because they believe that since their disobedient behaviour took time to develop, it will take more than a weekend to cure their negative behaviour (Tyler, 2001). Upon reading most of the information it seems as though a general question seems to arise- if it is the aftercare that ultimately determines whether the offender is likely to re-offend, is the boot camp necessary or can we skip right to the aftercare portion? This is an interesting question because it questions the authority of the state to spend the money on the boots camps if they cannot even be linked to reduced recidivism. Further research needs to be done into the effectiveness of these camps because it needs to be discovered whether or not they can reduce recidivism. If in fact the camps are not responsible for the rehabilitation or scared straight technique, but it is due for example, to the aftercare, then we need to focus more attention on this. It is very important to obtain the most effective results possible so that we can help these troubled youths to lead a more productive and fulfilling life. As it stands now, the aftercare focuses on reintegration into the community, using a counsellor. This counsellor includes the family and community when assessing their method of care. After a program is made to suit the individual, there is strict supervision, used in conjunction with rewards and sanctions available to the successful candidate (Begin, 1996). There is no data on the effectiveness of the facility. All in all, the use of juvenile boot camps are a highly criticized and often highly respected means of treating and punishing the young offender. Their use has been criticized often for not reducing recidivism rates and their abuse of participants. However, any reduction in recidivism should be looked at as a positive because it is one less youth who is going to endure a life of crime, and one less youth who is committing a crime and harming the general public. Because a lot of the facilities are responsible for reducing recidivism, boot camps are still in use today. Overall, although there is negative data related to the use of boot camps, there is also a lot of rewarding experiences and positive outcomes. These experiences allow for the continuation of the programs and continued improvements in the aftercare are being made to better the services of the boot camps to improve the rehabilitation process of the young offender. References Begin, Patricia. (1996). Boot Camps: Issues for Consideration. Ontario: Library of Parliament- Research Branch. Keenan, John; Barry, R. (1994, March). Measuring the Military Atmosphere of Boot Camps. Federal Probation, 58, (1), 67-71.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Vikings Essay examples -- History Historical Research Papers

The Vikings Typically, the image of a Viking is a barbaric, bearded man plundering and destroying a neighboring village. This is actually the stereotypical viewpoint. In actuality, Vikings, have a very different image. For example, Vikings did not wear furry boots or furry armor, they did not have horned helmets, they invaded Britain, and they also were the first to discover America! They were also experts in nautical technology, crafts, trading, warfare and many other skills (Jonsson 1). With all of these traits, the Vikings seem like an unstoppable force in the European continent. But, who were the Vikings? The Vikings were actually venturesome seafarers. This means that they were travelers who were constantly exploring and looking for new areas of land. There roots can be traced all the way back to 6000 B.C. were nomadic men traveled in primitive crafts up the Denmark coast. Fast forward two millennia and these nomadic people have established permanent homes, but still using the boat for food and travel. As stated before, they were not just raiders, although they did do this frequently, but they were actually expert traders, trading all around the world. It wasn’t until around 793 A.D. that a Viking explosion took place in northern Europe (Jonsson 2). Raids began to take place on neighboring villages and their places of worship. To some this is the only type of knowledge they have about Vikings. However, their culture was something to be admired. Trading, religion, and everyday life are all important parts of a Viking culture. Trading was a critical part to the culture life of a Viking. This task brought in many important goods that the Vikings needed to live an ordinary life. The Vikings were the international tradesmen of their time. In Constantinople (Istanbul) they traded silk and spices for slaves that they had brought from Russia. They Amber they found in the Baltic area and they brought furs, skins, and walrus tusk ivory to the trading towns in Western Europe from the northern parts of the world such as Greenland. The Vikings founded trading cities in Scandinavia such as Birka, Ribe, Hedeby and Skiringsal. In Ireland they founded terrific trade in Dublin and, in England, they made the city of York flourish to become the most important trading town outside of London (La Fay 149-150). At a time when old trade routes between east and west thro... ...of goods with the Vikings. In everyday life, every one of us is in search of the right food, the best and warmest clothing, and the perfect place to live. Religion is still important to the American people, just like it was to the Vikings way back then. And even today, the American people exchange goods through the use of trading. However, in the present, we use plenty of money to get the supplies we need to survive. The Vikings culture can be seen as a way of survival. If they didn’t work hard enough to get the items they needed to survive, they would die off. So, the Vikings were more than a bunch of wild men running around northern England destroying cities and killing people. They strived to lead a healthy life to the fullest extent possible during their time. Many people in northern England who are descendants of the Vikings are proud to be a progeny of such a dominant and prestigious culture.BIBILIOGRAPHY Works Cited La Fay, Howard. The Vikings: Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, 1972 Jensen, Ole Klindt. The World of the Vikings: London, England. Berne Convention, 1967 Wernick, Robert. The Vikings: Morristown, New Jersey. Time-Life Books Inc. 1979

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Howard Schultz Essay

Organization culture has been defined and studied in many and varied ways. Culture is defined as the set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms shared by members of an organization (Daft, 2012). The culture of an organization is going to play a big role in the success of the company. No matter how big or how small the company is, maintaining a culture that all employees can live by. Having all employees on board with the company’s mission will pay off a great deal in the long run. Starbucks is one of the premier coffee shops in the United States and their mission tell consumers what they do to maintain a huge customer base, to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time (www. starbucks. com). This paper will help consumers understand Starbucks’ organizational culture and the key leadership and management traits used to execute the business strategy. When people think coffee, they think Starbucks. Starbucks has become a hot commodity when it comes to consumers and their coffee. When people go to a Starbucks, they already know what they are getting, specialty coffee, great customer service and a nice cozy place to relax and just kick back. From the CEO on down to the baristas, Starbucks has developed a culture that sets them apart from other coffee shops around the world. Their success can be credited to the customer service. Anyone in a business knows that customer service is very important and can determine the success of a company. Starbucks thrives on ensuring that the baristas develop positive relationships with all customers. By doing this, customers will start to become loyal to the company. Loyal customers will keep Starbucks competitive in a market that a lot of people seem to be fond of because when people get up in the morning, nothing may be more refreshing then a cup of coffee. The Starbucks organization wants all its customers to feel like they are part of something special when they purchase a cup of Starbucks coffee. To help strengthen the culture, Starbucks focuses on being active in communities, in addition to their environmental responsibility, business ethics, open door policy, and their concern for the employees, customers, and stockholders, all these things make a strong positive organizational culture (Campbell, 2009). Within the organization, from the Starbucks executives down to the baristas, when it comes to maintaining the positive organizational culture that has been laid out for all employees, Starbucks separates themselves from many other coffee shops. The Starbucks management team has not based their success off of several things. Within the company the stores offer things that not many restaurants offer, such as Wi-Fi, exotic styles of coffee and a comfortable place to relax and enjoy a hot or cold coffee beverage. These things differ from other coffee spots in the world, so it makes Starbucks very unique. The innovative coffee styles that Starbucks uses attract the traditional coffee fanatic, as well as a new customer base. The styles of coffee will maintain customer loyalty and loyalty is one of Starbucks main focuses. The dedicated customers consist of business professionals and students. These are the individuals that Starbucks employees will see the most. The environment is made for them as well. For example, business men and women may go to Starbucks for lunch. It is comforting, quiet, and the store gives off a positive vibe. For students, it gives them a chance to indulge in a good beverage as well as take time out of their day to kick back and read a book or even catch up on a few homework assignments, whatever the case may be Starbucks offers an environment that others do not. To some consumers, having the coffee may just be a bonus; they really enjoy the environment Starbucks offers. According to brand expert Priya Raghubir, â€Å"Starbucks stands for coffee; it’s converted that into an experience, â€Å"People really have gotten to know Starbucks as the quintessential coffee shop, where they can sit and be welcome over a cup of coffee† (Shayon, 2013). As discussed previously, customer satisfaction is very important to the brand and company. Making customers feel at home by making Starbucks a cozy environment and providing free Wi-Fi keeps customers happy and keeps customers coming back. The management team coming up with these concepts really puts what they are trying to do as a company in prospective and also gives consumers an idea of what their company culture is. Throughout the company there are different management positions. It is the job of this team to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources (Daft, 2012). Within the Starbucks culture one of the main focuses is the customers. With that being said a good management competency to have is communication. This is a very important skill to have because at Starbucks employees are constantly dealing with customers. Even at the executive level of management, communication is even more important because these are the individuals that are making the decisions that could affect the entire company as a whole. When those decisions are made they need to get communicated down to the baristas and everyone else in between. Communication fits perfectly within this company’s culture. Communicating things from the top to bottom tells all the employees what the main purpose of the company is. Communication helps maintain the culture throughout the whole company as well. For an organization like Starbucks were the focus is to keep customers coming back, the employees must communicate with them at a level that employees from other coffee shops just are not use to. With how Starbucks operates as a whole, they have made themselves the place to buy coffee, which they are not really known for. They are recognized for their great communication with the customers, with other employees, and the management team, and the goal is maintain this level of professionalism so the new and existing customers re-enter a Starbucks and always get the same exact experience no matter the location. â€Å"We’re not in the coffee business. It’s what we sell as a product but we’re in the people business hiring hundreds of employees a week, serving sixty million customers a week, it’s all human connection† (Gallo, 2012). Chief Executive Officer Howard Schultz is the man behind how this culture was developed; he is the one that drives the bus today. Back in the 1980’s Schultz had a vision to enhance the way people drink their coffee and he did just that. Starbucks coffee speaks for itself; it is the culture Schultz put in place that makes Starbucks unique and a nice environment to be in. Starbucks opened its first store March 30, 1971 with more than 17, 000 locations around the world (Gallo, 2012). Without Schultz, this company would not be what it is today. Since the early 70s the company has managed to emerge as a premier coffee in the world, and in the 80s with Schultz at the helm. In 2000, with Schultz not in the mix, things did not go as well as expected when he resigned. Eight years after his resignation; he was appointed as CEO again to help the company from the downward spiral they were on. Schultz stressed that is was going to take a lot to get Starbucks back to where they needed to be. It is clear that Schultz made a big impact on Starbucks when he was CEO, and when he was not CEO, the company took a bit of a plunge. Without Schultz, over time it seems like Starbucks may have not lasted. Answering the question, would Starbucks achieve long-term sustainability as a global leader in the coffee industry without Howard Shultz, the answer would have to be no. Just in a short period of time, the company managed to get away from the culture Shultz brought to the company. As an organization, it is their job to live up to the culture that was put in front of them. There have been many times in business where new leaders are appointed and they just do not live up to the expectations. This is a problem that can be fixed if communication is sustained as well. All companies develop or have a culture set in place already. Management plays a key role in developing and ensures that the culture is maintained. Starbucks is an organization that thrives off their culture and this is the reason why they are successful in the business world. They have set themselves apart from other coffee shops by focusing on things other than just the coffee, like the customers, the environment, and for business professionals and students, the Wi-Fi. The organizational culture at Starbucks may not be the best, but they are making a strong case for the organization. References Campbell, A. (2009, November 09). Organizational culture. EZine Articles, Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? Organizational-Culture&id=3203513 July 23, 2013 Daft. (2012). Management. (10th ed. ). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Gallo, C. (2012). Starbucks ceo: Lesson in communication skills. Forbes, Retrieved from http://www. success. com/articles/1272-rekindling-the-heart-soul-of-starbucks? page=2 July 23, 2013 Shayon, S. (2013, March 08). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www. brandchannel. com/home/post/Starbucks-Customer-Loyalty-030813. aspx July 23, 2013 .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managers motivate workers

Frederick Hertzberg came up with a two factor theory of motivation also referred to as the Hygiene theory. According to Hertzberg, there are factors in the work place that cause job satisfaction and these he called them motivators. On the other hand, there are factors whose absence causes job dissatisfaction. The factors that cause satisfaction are a complete contrast to those that cause dissatisfaction. For instance whereas recognition causes satisfaction, supervision leads to dissatisfaction. According to Hertzberg, managers motivate their workers in the following ways:- recognition, growth, achievement job interest,   responsibility and advancement. These factors would make workers feel motivated in the work place. On the other hand factors such as salary, security, company policy, work conditions and supervision fall under hygiene factors. Their presence or lack of it does not necessarily motivate the employees rather causes dissatisfaction. (Michael, 2000) Responsibility: – When workers feel responsible for their work, they feel motivated. They need to be in touch to their work. The best way managers can motivate their workers therefore is by giving them more authority and autonomy over their jobs. Employees with good performance should also be given more responsibilities as a way of improving their motivation levels. Work itself: – Employees feel motivated when they feel that the work they do is significant and relevant. Managers should try to make use of what the employees have done so that they can be able to see that whatever they are doing is meaningful. Growth: – People desire to work more when the work is challenging as well as interesting. Managers therefore ought to make the jobs interesting and also challenging. The expected outcome of this is that the turnover rate of employees shall reduce. Failure to do this will cause demotivation on the part of the employees. (Harris, Desimone, 1994) Advancement: – Workers can be motivated through trainings and development. They feel motivated when something is done that improves their careers. Managers can also use Hertzberg’s two factor theory in the following ways to motivate their workers: Make workers specialize in doing specific tasks. This would make them become experts in their respective fields. Make workers to be more accountable in all that they do Come up with new and more challenging tasks Allow workers to perform whole work units to do as opposed to piecemeal work. With this, they feel motivated when the outcome of the work is associated with them.(Alkhafaji,2003) I do not agree with the fact that the hygienes are only associated with job dissatisfaction and not motivation. Look at remuneration/salary. Does it mean that one would not be motivated if his/her salary is increased? My answer tends to be a â€Å"yes†. It can be both a hygiene and motivational factor. The distinction of a factor being either a hygiene or motivator is not true. My second reservation is that when a worker is given someone’s responsibility that would motivate such a worker. In my opinion, this would bring about animosity amongst the employees. The role of a manager a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Manager as planner: – Managers play the role of planning the firm’s activities. They determine what is to be done, who is to do what how and when this is to be done. b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Control: – Managers are the ones who control the activities of the organization so that they are performed as planned with the aim of correcting any deviations from the norm. c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Facilitator/ Coordinator: – Managers integrate the work of employees so that each worker performs his duties and that nothing is duplicated. REFERENCES 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   David M Harris, Randy L Desimone; Human Resource Development, Dryden press publishers,1994 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abbas F Alkhafaji, Strategic Management: Formulation implementation and Control in a Dynamic Environment, Haworth press, 2003 3. Michael L, Understanding Business Environment; Routledge, 2000 Â