Friday, November 8, 2019

Telecommunication within ARAMCO

Telecommunication within ARAMCO Saudi Aramco is the national oil company for Saudi Arabia and manages the world’s largest crude oil reserves. Over the years, the company has developed into an international petroleum enterprise with expertise in exploration, production, refining and sale of petroleum products.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Telecommunication within ARAMCO specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company is also responsible for gas processing that is a major contribution to the it’s economy. It also provides other services to its employees such as hospitals and several fire stations that serve both the company and its surrounding residential areas. The company has employed various forms of telecommunication such as the use of emergency telephone help lines in order to cater for the safety of its workers, the public and even the environment in case of a disaster (Comer 2006). In maximizing the extraction and use of oil and gas, the company has integrated detailed electronic and human networks. A well established fiber optic technology system that supports high bandwidth voice and data communications has been set up enabling authorities to monitor performance of sea operations from land. It also operates a radio mobile network for its operational areas. A detailed company website is also another means by which the company is able to advertise its products and services to the entire world. This lessens time and distance barriers enabling the company to survive in the current competitive marketplace. In regard to the rapidly changing technological environment, ABC communications would like to offer a proposal for the assessment of in-place telecommunication equipment to determine whether they are effective, efficient and economical. This will ensure that the company is up to date with the current telecommunication advancements as it involves analyzing the future viability of the current systems in place while scrutinizing their impact on the achievement of organizational goals. Achievement of the above will entail the following:Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A cost/benefit analysis of the telephone and computer systems in use with an upgrade of the systems where necessary. If however, they’re inefficient then new systems may be installed. Offering cheaper alternatives for office communication such as high speed wireless internet services. Installation of the latest fiber optic technology into the system which translates to increased number of calls that can be carried and improved information security as it is difficult to tap into fiber optic cables without detection. Developing streamed videos as a marketing strategy thus enabling customers and stakeholders to browse large files in real time as users can view streamed multimedia as it is being rece ived. Setting up an internet office to store accessible files, phone numbers, email addresses and more especially for employees making it possible for co-workers to send and or receive important documents. Assessment of the company’s internet security and prevention of unauthorized access to corporate computer data. This is by means of constructing an internet firewall with a purpose of limiting access into and out of the network based on the company’s access policy Assist company personnel to identify problems in telecommunication and propose resolutions. Details of the price of the contract will be issued to the company on written acceptance of the proposal. My proposal is to carry out the above at the beginning of the next financial year beginning 1st April 2012. In carrying out the above, due to the sensitive nature of information likely to be acquired, I assure confidentiality on any classified company information that I come across when working with you. Our emp loyees will demonstrate professional competence and due care in performance of their duties. Reference Comer, D. (2006). Computer Networks and Internets. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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