Sunday, April 12, 2020

Topics for Cause and Effect Essays free essay sample

A cause and effect essay aims at explaining the reasons and results of an event or situation. †¢It is one the most popular essay types in the academic world. †¢It is beneficial for a student to write a cause and effect essay because it propels him to think of the situation in depth to come up with the reasons for the birth of that situation and its eventual impact on everything it affects. †¢It encourages the mind to think analytically and investigate a situation in its true light. Writing a cause and effect essay needs key understanding of the topic and keen attention to detail. †¢It may seem like it is an easy thing to do but you cannot go far beyond the introduction if you do not put analytical skills into writing it. †¢Such types of essay basically targets two main points, why the event or situation took place and how did it made its impact. We will write a custom essay sample on Topics for Cause and Effect Essays or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †¢You have to remember to concentrate your cause and effect essay to revolve around these two points and do not let it deviate from its main focus. Cause and effect are two approaches that are closely related so it is sometimes a bit tricky to differentiate between the two. Therefore, it is imperative that you understand the topic properly before approaching it. You should choose an excellent cause and effect topic. †¢This topic should help you relate one event to another, ultimately revealing its causes and effects. †¢You should aim at writing it in such a way that it keeps the reader hooked on to it, keeping them on the edge of their seats. Cause and effects of media violence †¢Analyze the cause and effect of excessive TV viewing †¢Cause and effects of land pollution Cause and effects of teenage depression †¢Cause and effect of global financial crunch †¢Cause and effect of terrorism †¢Cause and effect of policies made by United Nations on the world †¢Cause and effect of threatening of North Korea to start a nuclear war, on the world †¢Cause and effect of using too much of mobile phones †¢Cause and effect of having irrational fears Cause and effect of noise pollution †¢Cause and effect of some minor inventions †¢Cause and effect of generation gap †¢Cause and effect of the weather on mood †¢Passage of a national health program, cause and effect †¢Technology and its effect on human freedom and happiness in society †¢Cause and effect of extreme weather conditions around the globe apart from human activities †¢Cause and effect of SSRIs on adolescents †¢Cause and effect of mercury on community health. Cause and effect of multilingualism on the learning of additional languages †¢Cause and effect of native language instruction on the ESL development of adults: a synthesis of the research †¢Cause and effect of sleep deprivation to work productivity †¢The influence of TV advertising on gender identity †¢What are the actual and potential consequences of nuclear leaks and meltdowns? †¢What are the causes and effect of the computer revolution? †¢What are the causes of unrest in Ireland? †¢What are the effects of the illiteracy? †¢What caused the AIDS epidemic? What caused the proliferation of the bubonic plague in the Middle Ages? †¢What causes rain, and what are the usual effects of it? †¢What effect can have the vanishing of the animal and plant species? †¢What effect does the business participation on the Internet have on privacy considerations? What is the debate over this issue? †¢What effect does the Internet have on businesses and corporations? †¢What effects can be attributed to phenomena such as Apartheid? †¢What effects can be attributed to phenomena such as El Nino? †¢Write a cause and effect essay about acid rain Cause and effect of showing violence in the movies †¢Cause and effect of racism †¢Cause and effect of smart phones in our daily life †¢Causes and effects of land pollution †¢Cause and effects of media violence †¢The effects of sleep deprivation to work productivity †¢The effects of leaking military technology to the civilian societies. †¢The causes of extreme weather conditions around the globe apart from human activities †¢What causes rain, and what are the usual effects of it? †¢Effects of using mobile phones too much †¢Generation gap; causes and effects.

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