Friday, December 27, 2019

Minimum Wage Should Be Legal - 1307 Words

The concept of minimum wage has been a huge issue among Americans and has really become a large discussion point among a lot of the political debates as well as the Internet recently. According to the United States Department of Labor, â€Å"The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Many states also have minimum wage laws. Some state laws provide greater employee protections; employers must comply with both†. Regardless of the constant debates that occur on whether or not minimum wage should be a livable wage or merely a segway job for teenagers, a majority of these workers are older than 25 years old. As reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2014, of the 77,207, 61,883 of them are 25 years of age are†¦show more content†¦In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into effect the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Among other things it banned child labor, limited the workweek to 44 hours, and set the national minimum wage at 25 cents an hour (United States Department of Labor). This is one of 121 bills put forth by Roosevelt after Congress had adjourned. The purpose of the bill is associated with the Great Depression. For the purpose of assisting the nation back onto its feet after the Great Depression, this solution has succeeded, but unfortunately the issue had evolved and this one act could not sustain the growth of a nation. So technically this is no longer a solution for this very important issue. There has been a somewhat steady increase in wages through adjustments of the act, up to the current solution, but according to the Pew Research Center and the Economist, the set wages are actually less than what they use to be due to inflation: â€Å"Adjusted for inflation, the federal minimum wage peaked in 1968 at $8.54 (in 2014 dollars). Since it was last raised in 2009, to the current $7.25 per hour, the federal minimum has lost about 8.1% of its purchasing power to inflation†. This c lear disconnect proves that the previous solution(s) is no longer working and therefore needs to be adjusted to meet America’s ever growing economy. As previously stated, in 2009 a adjustment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was added. This

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Internship Experience - 1347 Words

Health Care Management Internship Experience Labovitz School of Business and Economics University of Minnesota Duluth Description of the Program The purpose of the internship program is to provide juniors and seniors with an opportunity to enhance and apply what they learn in their academic program while working in a health service organization. Students are pursuing a degree in business administration and are majoring in health care management. Those that enroll in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics (LSBE) Health Care Management Internship Program will need to accumulate a minimum of 200 hours of work experience over the course of an academic semester or during the summer. The intent of the program is to provide relevant†¦show more content†¦The LSBE Internship Office will provide evaluation forms; or you may want to use your organization’s standard appraisal form to assess the intern’s performance and provide feedback. 5. Provide liability coverage for student intern. The University of Minnesota Duluth Worker’s Compensation and Liability coverage does not extend to student interns. E mployers may be concerned about injuries to students on-the-job or problems that could arise due to student inexperience. We recommend that concerns of this nature be addressed to your legal counsel. Your existing worker’s compensation covers paid employees and could possibly be extended to volunteers for a nominal fee if this work arrangement is established. 6. Abide by the University of Minnesota employment policies regarding the treatment of employees, including prevention of sexual harassment in the work place. Detailed descriptions of these policies can be found in the UMD Employer Handbook. 7. Contact Jennifer Schultz, Director of the Health Care Management Program, at 218-726-6695 should problems arise. Mentor/Supervisor: 1. Serve as a model, coach, mentor, and tutor to the student. 2. Assist the student in identification of learning outcomes and activities to achieve them. 3. Assign the student specific and significant duties and projects that contribute to the student’sShow MoreRelatedInternship Experience With High Hopes And Expectations752 Words   |  4 PagesMount St. Mary s University, Los Angeles INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT Interns and their supervisors both anticipate the internship experience with high hopes and expectations. If an internship is to be a positive and worthwhile, the intern and supervisor should share an understanding of what will happen during the intern’s time at work. This form is intended to help both the student intern and the site in which they work to establish a mutually beneficial relationship. It is the intern’s responsibilityRead MoreMy Experience With A Internship Experience913 Words   |  4 PagesThis internship experience has been an amazing experience! I wouldn t have wanted to spend it under the wing of anyone other than Mrs. Doss. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Duo Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award free essay sample

Application Essay – DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award First of all, I am glad that to be given a chance to exchange to Germany for my studies in NUS. Germany is a great place with many world-class universities. Through the exchange programme, I will increase the value of my degrees, as study overseas is an evidence of independence, adaptability and a willingness to take on a challenge. The DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award will definitely valuable and helpful as the living expenses in Germany is quite high. This award will help to reduce the burden of my parents as I will not have to worry about the finances on my exchange. The DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship award will certainly create the strongest bond between the students from Europe and Asian ASEM member countries. With the help of this award, I will be able to open my sights by travelling and studying in Germany in the coming semester. We will write a custom essay sample on Duo Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As we all know, education is the one of the pillars linking Singapore and Germany, especially at the university level. I believe that students in Germany will have a great interest in Singapore as the lives in Singapore are a mixture of West and the East, where you cannot find in everywhere else. With the exchange programme and the help of DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship awards, I will have the chance the share ideas to the students and lecturers in Germany regarding the new programme in Singapore, which is first introduced in Asia. Besides, as I am now working on a three-year project about the future transportation in Singapore, I may gain some insight about the technologies in Germany through discussion or researches with the professors and student regarding on my project. Being an exchange student, it is not just about personal experiences, but in a bigger context, I am representing my university, NUS and also Singapore. Most of us do not have the opportunity to study or travel overseas often to have a feel of different cultures of other countries. Through the exchange programme, I will have the chance to immersed fully into a new culture and improve my German with the locals through daily interactions. I believe that the precious experience of living in a foreign country must be rewarding and memorable. I hope that strong bond of friendship will be developed during my exchange in Germany and we can freely exchange ideas and views. Representing NUS and Singapore, I will try my best to introduce the background or uniqueness of Singapore since it is a potential place to stay and work here. It is my responsibilities, as an exchange student, to promote Singapore to the people in Germany. It is definitely a life-changing experience to be an exchange student to Germany, but it is only made possible with the help of DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Transcendentalism Essays (503 words) - Literature,

Transcendentalism Transcendentalism is a newly founded belief and practice that involves man's interaction with nature, and the idea that man belongs to one universal and benign omnipresence know as the oversoul. The term was first introduced by German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and was published in his "Critique of Practical Reasoning". The impressions of transcendentalism by the American people were sketchy and obscure, but as magazines and books were published on the topic the coterie of transcendentalist spread. The authors of the nineteenth century books, essays, and philosophies were a reflection of these beliefs such authors were Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and William Cullen Bryant. Thoreau was the most explicit and greatest influential transcendentalist writer of the time period. Inspired by the exploration and writing about spiritual relationships between humanity and nature, and the ideas of his good friend Ralph Emerson, he experimented with this new found idea. On July fourth he left on an experience to Walden Pond. He spent two years watching, writing, and feeling the power of nature. The only way Thoreau could encounter a relationship with nature was to become one with the way of the woods, streams, ponds, and animals. Thoreau was also indicative of Emerson's success as a transcendental writer, because they lived together in the same house and shared similar ideas and beliefs. Along with the influence of Thoreau, Emerson was further affected by the writings of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge in their book Lyrical Ballads. Emerson's poems reflect the images of the oversoul and harmony of man and nature. Unlike the previous poets, William Cullen Bryant was his own creator. Born in a rural area, Bryant had a deep interest in nature and loved to explore his surroundings. He began writing poetry at age nine, and later periodically read eighteenth century poetry, which is present in his poems because of their European style. Bryant additionally expressed an appeal to nineteenth century poets, moreover he believed in women's rights, freedom of speech and religion, and the abolition of slavery, which gave him a voice in important subjects that needed change. In addition to their impact on views of the world these authors prompted a different outlook on nature for many other writers. Bryant influenced the establishment of Romanticism in American Literature and shaped the next generation of poets to be. Emerson gave the "free birds" of our society a new method of thinking, which partially inspired the "hippie" movement. Thoreau gave writers, social and political readers, and environmentalists a new way to conceive thoughts or ideas that may come to them. Thoreau made the future generations of readers observant of the possibilities of the human spirit and the limitations of society. Through what these and more writers have left us the American people have learned to see nature through a kaleidoscope of precious beings and bring unity among all. The oversoul is not only a belief but is a reality for many that choose to be panthioistic. To all that bring the world hate, war, crime, and disgrace when has the choice of nature over rancor resolved to nothing but death and violence. When great writers such as Thoreau, Bryant, and Emerson grace the earth, leaving nothing but the best for us to reveal.